
Here’s What to Expect During Divorce Mediation

It is estimated that a divorce occurs once every 36 seconds. The ubiquity of divorce has translated into many estranged couples seeking hassle-free divorce processes. Divorce mediation can help with these processes.

Divorce mediation is a method of resolution that divorcing spouses utilize to avoid going to court. In mediation, the parties discuss with a qualified mediator who assists them in negotiating all of their concerns. A mediator is an impartial third party who does not advocate for either side.

It’s critical to get your divorce settlement right in order to avoid any complications or discrepancies. It also helps if you possess knowledge about the process. If you’re seeking clarification, here’s what to expect during divorce mediation.

Information Gathering and Form Filling

Before starting the mediation process, you should anticipate the divorce mediator will ask you to fill out certain paperwork so that they can have a better understanding of the difficulties you’re dealing with; whether it’s custody, parenting time, support, or asset and debt distribution. This step is necessary for setting the foundation for future discussions between the two divorce parties.

Structured Discussions

Expect the mediator to promote candid but organized conversations about asset distribution, custody issues, and support payments.  That means the mediator will want you to disclose your income and properties, as well as your post-divorce life goals. A professional mediator will lead and arrange your conversations. Prepare to talk about all of the issues that are occurring, and bring any relevant documentation.

Professional Advisors or Extra Parties

Instances could arise during divorce mediation where the services of an extra professional such as an accountant, child psychologist, or an appraiser might be required. If both parties agree to it, the professional will be present during discussions to clarify or advise on specific matters. Children or trusted relatives may also be present if both parties agree to it.

Mediation Agreement Is Legally Binding

Once an agreement is reached and put on paper, it becomes legally binding once it has been signed by both parties. A legally binding agreement gives an opportunity for withdrawal or avoidance and is recognized by the law.

If you are in need of divorce mediation, reach out to us today. We can answer any questions you have before starting this process.