Family Mediator
Are you looking for a family mediator? Here is some information about how a family mediator can help you.
Who Needs a Family Mediator
A family mediator is a trained negotiator who works with married, separated, or divorced couples to help then resolve differences around parenting the children and either create or revise the existing parenting agreement. A family mediator also may be used in situations regarding same sex couples. A family mediator is used to map out current disputes and help avoid future conflict. Sometimes in a death situation children are thrust into a guardian’s custody. A family mediator can be used to map out terms to protect the chidren’s best interests.
Also, in some situations people owning a family business may experience difficulties getting along or reaching an agreement. A family mediator can also help resolve situations that arise within the marriage or business situation and resolve the issue.
Why People Need A Family Mediator
Sometimes post divorce a new issues arises that wasn’t currently addressed in the parenting agreement. Couples must still work together to raise the children. When they are unable to communicate and/or agree on a resolution, a family mediator may be brought in as a first course of action. Many matters can be easily resolved in a family mediator situation and helps to avoid dragging cases through the court system.
Where Do People Meet with a Family Mediator?
Usually the opposing parties will meet with the family mediator at their mediation office. The meetings typically last for about an hour per session.
Types of Issues A Family Mediator Helps Parents Work Out
A family mediator works with opposing parties to help resolve issues around raising the children. This may be around chores, sibling rivalry, living arrangements, discipline, sports or extracurricular activities, religious practices,visitation, education, medical care, holidays, vacation time, child support,and additional expenses.
Sometimes there are many generations of a family living together where parents, grandparents, children, and extended family are together in one living space. The can be the cause of disagreements that may need to be resolved for the best interest of the children.
Additionally a family mediator can sort out issues for a family owned business. In a worst case scenario needing to sell the family business may uncover a number of disputes which need to be worked out.
How A Family Mediator Works
The parents meet with the mediator. The ground rules of mediation are stated. Both parties agree to cooperate, work together respectfully, and strive to create a resolution to their dispute. The family mediator agrees to remain neutral, keep confidentiality, and create a safe environment to facilitate the process. Both parties begin by sharing their issues. The mediator takes notes and checks for understanding. Then the family mediator negotiates point by point to help the parents reach an agreement to the issues at hand. Once a resolution is reached, the family mediator drafts a parenting agreement which can then be submitted in court. This document is legally binding.
Family Mediators are not a good idea if there is domestic abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse or high conflict. Parties in those situations may be better served by hiring a lawyer for added protection for their interests.
How to Find a Family Mediator Near You
The easiest way to find a family mediator is to type “Family Mediator” in Google. You’ll see that CEL and Associates is listed on the first page of results with more information about our family mediation and family mediator services. CEL and Associates serves families throughout the Chicago area, suburbs, Milwaukee, and Northeaster Wisconsin. Call us Toll Free at 866-922-4733 to arrange a consultation for a family mediator nearest you. Call us Toll Free at 866-922-4733 to arrange a consultation for a family mediator nearest you.