
Why Mediation May Be Right For You & Your Former Partner: What To Consider

Should you mediate your divorce? Mediation is a valuable resource, particularly when you are going through a divorce. However, many people tend to overlook it as an option, which can lead to complications and an inability to reach a compromise. If you are currently going through a separation and wondering whether you should mediate your divorce, here is what you should consider.

Mediation Can Help Prevent Unwinnable Arguments

On average, most Americans argue around 19 times each month, and during a divorce, this can escalate exponentially. With so many emotions involved, it can be difficult to navigate the situation to find workable compromises without a clear head. Thankfully, a neutral mediator can help solve these issues, provided both parties are open to having an unbiased opinion from a third-party source.

A mediator can be especially useful when you hit an impasse and both feel that there is no way to move forward. Mediation can help move things along by helping both parties recognize their commonalities and the strengths and weaknesses of each side’s point of view.

Preserving Relationships

Mediation for the purpose of helping to maintain a relationship with your former partner can also be beneficial, especially if there are children involved. When it comes to matters of custody, it’s important that both partners maintain a civil relationship so that they can support their child or children mutually, if possible. Additionally, by involving a mediator in matters of child custody, both parties will be able to share their concerns and will have a better chance of finding common ground based on what is best for the child. While it isn’t always this cut and dry, having a third-party meditator can definitely help sort through the tumultuous emotions and find a compromise that suits both parents, and most of all the children involved.

When Is Mediation Not Right?

Should you mediate your divorce? In cases that involve such things as instances of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, or an unwillingness to find a compromise, court intervention will be necessary. This is especially true in cases where abuse or violence is prevalent, but also if one or neither party is willing to negotiate. In order for mediation to work, both parties need to be forthcoming, upfront, and willing to work together so that the best possible outcome can be reached.

If you are wondering about how should you mediate your divorce, there are a lot of factors to consider, and these will vary between couples. However, if you are both willing to find workable compromises, then mediation is something to seriously consider.