
Why You Should Communicate Through Your Divorce Attorney

It is paramount to have the divorce attorney handle all communication with your spouse during divorce proceedings. A divorce attorney can also advise couples on how to deal with disagreeing issues, such as child custody and child support. According to Deseret News, couples with children are 40% less likely to divorce than couples without children.

FAQs Divorce Lawyers Hear

A lot of marriages end in divorce nowadays. In fact, only about 50% of marriages have a chance of lasting. If you are at the end of your marriage, you may need to hire a divorce lawyer. There are lots of things you may need to know when you hire one. Here are some commonly

How Divorce Mediation Helps Families

Divorce mediation entails handling divorce in a less litigious and more amicable way. In this case, a neutral third party can help advise the divorcing couple. According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, individuals that have undergone a college education lower the chances of divorce by 13%, but sometimes you cannot avoid a divorce.