
FAQ: Family Mediation Services

family mediation serviceGoing through a divorce can be tricky. Not only do you have to figure out what’s going to happen to you and your partner, you must consider your children.

The median age for first divorces is age 30.5 for men and age 29 for women, which means there are likely a lot of young parents going through this process. If this is your situation, you may want to consider working with family mediation services. If you are currently separating from your spouse and are looking for more information on what family mediation services do, what they are, and how they can help you, keep reading.

What Do They Do?
Family mediators are there to help resolve any problems with separation, parenting schedules, child support, elder care, family’s budget, and a lot more. Anything that is related to the family and requires a decision can be handled by the family mediator. It can be very difficult to come to a decision regarding a family matter while dealing with a divorce in a peaceful way. The mediator will be there too keep everyone grounded and figure out the solution in a civil manner.

How Does Mediation Work?
Mediators are there to handle your situation in a confidential setting, and help everyone communicate and listen properly. The mediator will identify issues that need resolving, prioritize issues that need to be resolved immediately, come up with possible solutions and discuss them, you and your former spouse come to an agreement, create a draft of the agreement, and then review and prepare the agreement to be signed.

Is the Mediator Able to Give Legal Advice?
Mediators are typically not allowed to represent or advocate for either party involved. They have to remain neutral in the situation. While they cannot give you legal advice, they are able to give you some information about local court procedures and state laws. You must defer to your lawyer for any legal proceedings.

How Many Sessions Are Required with the Mediator?
The number of sessions you and your partner have to go to depends on how many issues need resolving. You will go to speak with a family mediator until each and every issue has a solution. Typical divorce cases can take anywhere from two to eight sessions or more. However, some cases only take one to three sessions, but it all depends on the severity of your situation.

Getting divorced can be upsetting and difficult. However, a family mediation service will be there to help you solve any issues and get through the divorce as quickly as possible. Take a look at a few of the most commonly asked questions about mediating a divorce listed above before going in for your first session.