
Four Major Benefits of a Divorce Mediator in Chicago

A divorce mediator in Chicago can help the parties resolve issues involved in the divorce process, such as property division, shared parenting responsibilities, parenting time and child support matters.  In addition to saving time and money in the process by avoiding expensive and time-consuming litigation, other major benefits of using a divorce mediator in Chicago include: 

Positive Relationship 

While litigation often looks backward, mediation looks to the future and considers ways that the relationship between the parties can be better going forward.   An effective mediator can help the parties communicate in a more peaceful and cordial manner.   He or she can use effective communication techniques that can be used in the future if a new problem or situation arises, such as a job loss or move.   Parties can also learn how to disagree in a productive way so that they can find a resolution even if they have a different perspective on the issue.

Retain Control 

Parties involved in mediation maintain control of almost every decision along the way during mediation, such as which mediator to use, whether to participate in mediation in the same room or different rooms and what agreements they will make.   In litigation, the decision-making power is passed to a judge who is not familiar with the family or the dynamics between them.

Risk Mitigation

When the parties have their divorce resolved in court, they are rolling the dice.   The judge can make a ruling that neither party contemplated.   A bad result can be the outcome for the family.   In mediation, the parties are aware of the outcome and agree to it beforehand.


A family law mediator can help the parties brainstorm creative ideas that will be a custom fit for their situation.   The parties are not bound by the whim or bad mood of the judge on a particular day.  Since they come up with the ideas and ways to resolve an issue, the parties are more likely to abide by the resolution.