
How Divorce Mediating Can Help With Your Divorce

Everyone loves the thought of romance, but is it really just a dream? Statistics would seem to say yes. Researchers have found that the chances of having a marriage last are only about 50%. You may not have thought it would ever happen to you, but the time has come and now you are divorcing your spouse. Here are some ways that divorce mediating can help you through the process.

Divorce Mediating Moves Things Along

The divorce mediation process tries to get both parties to agree to the terms of the divorce without appearing in court. Avoiding court dates means that the process is streamlined, and things will move right along. Divorce mediation brings both parties together to find a common ground in all areas that need to be settled. This is a key factor in beginning the next chapter of your life after divorcing your significant other.

Divorce Mediating Addresses the Question of Custody

One of the most troublesome areas of a couple getting divorced is the question of custody of children. Not only are there significant emotional factors to consider, which is a major concern, but there are also financial arrangements that need to be settled. Education, health care, extra-curricular activities, living expenses…the list is long. In addition, there are visitation arrangements that need to be agreed upon. Adhering to these visits is extremely important for the well-being of children since they need a routine and the security of a regular pattern in their lives. Divorce mediation has both parents meet and definitively agree upon all aspects of the children in question. In mediation, the children are considered and all aspects of their future are considered since the divorce will impact their lives forever.

Divorce Mediating Eliminates Costly Extras

We have already seen how divorce mediation can help keep the process as efficient as possible. Streamlining the time it takes to get a divorce helps in many ways: mentally, absolutely — but also financially. Yes, it is good to be able to avoid a court appearance and having your calendar and agenda filled up with dates that constantly remind you of the divorce that you are going through. But getting through the process as quickly as possible is also good for your checkbook. As soon as all the arrangements can be agreed upon, the quicker you will be able to get your life back to normal. One key benefit to mediation is the elimination of court costs and making sure that the price you pay for a divorce attorney doesn’t force you into bankruptcy.

Divorce Mediating: Summary

Divorce can be an extremely expensive process. It has been shown that the price of getting a divorce in the United States can range anywhere from $15,000 to $42,000, or more. And it can also take a very expensive emotional toll as well. A lack of self-esteem, loneliness, insecurity, feelings of depression, and more can result from experiencing the end of a marriage. But today divorce mediating is an option that is available, and it has many advantages. It helps finalize a divorce quicker and more economically than the traditional way, which makes it a viable alternative for many individuals.