
The Eyebrow Raising Divorce Facts You Should Hear

Sometimes, divorce is impossible to avoid. While you can potentially make your split more amicable through divorce mediating sessions, there will almost inevitably be something that surprises you during those proceedings. Part of this surprise may be linked to the fact that many people don’t understand how divorce works. Divorce is shrouded in mystery and rarely discussed in the United States, even though it is much more common than it once was, with one divorce occurring about every 36 seconds. With that in mind, let’s look into a few of the things you should know about divorce and how they might surprise you.

1. The More You’re Married, the Higher the Divorce Risk Becomes

As much as we don’t want to encourage stereotypes, there is some truth to the idea that you’ll be more likely to get divorced if you’ve been married before. Generally speaking, there is a divorce rate of 41% for people on their first marriage. For people on their second marriage, the rate climbs to 60%, and for people on their third marriage, the divorce rate is at 73%. This doesn’t mean that people who’ve had failed marriages in the past can’t have successful ones in the future — it just means the risk is higher.

2. Living Together First Isn’t A Risk

We do want to dispel another myth, which may surprise those from more traditionalist backgrounds. While it’s commonly believed that people will be more likely to get divorced if they live together first, there is no link between premarital cohabitation and a raised risk of divorce.

3. Women File More Often

Quite often, women are more likely to file for divorce first. Specifically, in two out of three divorce cases, the wife is the one that makes the first move. However, men are more likely to suffer emotionally from a divorce, which makes divorce mediating even more necessary.

4. Multiples Increase Your Risk

Although couples with children are slightly less likely to divorce, those that have twins or triplets are actually more likely to divorce. This could be because having multiples can increase the stress in a marriage, emotionally and financially. The risk of divorce rises by 17% if you and your spouse have twins or triplets.

No matter why you’re divorcing, consider divorce mediating sessions. They could make the process simpler in the long term.