Divorce Mediation

How Can Divorce Mediation Help You Divide Property and Assets?

One of the most complex aspects of divorce proceedings is the division of property and assets. Both parties may have strong feelings about what they believe is theirs, leading to conflict and stress. Divorce mediation offers an alternative to traditional litigation, providing a more amicable and often cost-effective way to resolve disputes. Having a divorce

What to Expect When Having Your Divorce Mediated

Divorce mediation is an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional litigation route when dissolving a marriage. This process aims to provide a more amicable and cost-effective solution that benefits both parties involved. Understanding what to expect when having your divorce mediated can help alleviate uncertainties and make the entire experience more manageable for everyone. The

How Mediation Can Streamline Your Messy Divorce

Divorce can be emotionally exhausting and legally complex, especially when both parties struggle to agree on critical issues such as child custody, alimony, and property division. Traditional courtroom divorces often exacerbate conflict and take a significant amount of time and money to resolve. However, divorce mediation offers a more streamlined approach, allowing couples to work

How to Handle the Stress of a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be hard on any couple. However, you’re not alone, as over 50% of American marriages dissolve this way. It’s important to have positive coping mechanisms to avoid going into a dark place because of the end of your marriage. Here are ways to handle the stress of a divorce. Stay

Is Divorce Mediation Worth It?

When people get married, divorce tends to be the last thing on their minds. They’re starting a new life together and they want to be happy. Unfortunately, divorce does happen. According to Forbes, 75% of the people who got divorced in recent years cited a lack of commitment as the main reason. However, rather than

5 Self-Care Tips During Divorce Proceedings

The process of mediating a divorce can be intense for everyone in your family. According to Forbes, 58% of divorced couples report more conflict than ever. That’s why you need to practice self-care. Here are five tips for caring for yourself during this emotional process. 1. Create a Safe Space A safe space can be

How to Prepare for Divorcing Your Significant Other

When you married your partner, you may not have thought you’d be sitting in divorce court one day. Moving a divorce case forward will require some preparation and a deeper understanding of the legal process, especially if you have children. Here are some ways to handle divorcing your significant other. Gather Financial Documentation Getting married