
Characteristics of a Good Divorce Mediator

Divorce mediation is often a requirement for couples going through this process. The divorce mediator’s role is to act as a “go-between” for the divorcing couple and ensure the conversation is productive. According to TIME, about 50% of marriages in the United States have a chance of not divorcing. Alternatively, 50% of marriages will end in divorce, according to Divorce Statistics. Divorce can be complicated and stressful, but a mediator can help to move the process along. Let’s take a look at a few characteristics you should look for in a professional.

They Are Knowledgeable About Divorce Law

One of the key characteristics a mediator should possess is an in-depth knowledge of marital and divorce laws. It’s important that a mediator understands the limitations of the law and what is allowed. Divorcing couples are usually unaware of the different laws and how they can affect the dissolution of their union. It would be best if you worked with someone who knew all about these laws.

They Are Impartial

A good mediator leaves their bias at the door. They don’t form an opinion about the divorcing couple, and they don’t take sides. They are there to facilitate the discussion and ensure that it moves in a positive direction. They don’t share their opinion, but they suggest how couples can move past what seems to be an impasse.

They Are Genuine

One of the characteristics to look for in a mediator is honesty. A good mediator will not sugarcoat any part of the process. They will only relay information factually and honestly, and they’ll be transparent in all that they do. They can form a trusting relationship with the couple by providing honest answers.

They Can Recognize Windows of Opportunity

A good mediator moves the discussion along by recognizing an opportunity to find common ground. An experienced divorce mediator makes the most of opportunities to overcome conversation hurdles. It takes experience to notice the little nuances between couples that can foster productive discussions.

Divorce mediation can save time, money, and stress during a divorce. The right mediator is an essential piece of the process. Learn more about what characteristics a mediator should have to make the mediation process successful. Call today if you’re in need of support through this process.