
Top Reasons for Divorce in America

If you’re facing the heartbreak of divorce, you’re not alone. Many marriages sadly end in divorce for a variety of reasons. As you go through mediating a divorce, it may help to understand the most common causes cited for splitting up.

Loss of Connection

One of the biggest relationship killers is losing that loving connection with your spouse. Over time, you can drift apart, stop communicating, lose intimacy, and no longer feel bonded. Resentment, loneliness, and indifference often creep in. Without ongoing effort, relationships deteriorate. Recapturing lost closeness and commitment is difficult. This growing disconnect leads many couples to divorce.


An affair cuts to the core of the marriage bond based on trust and fidelity. For many spouses, cheating is an unforgivable betrayal that they can’t move past, making divorce imminent. Even if forgiven initially, the lingering insecurity and pain often undermine the relationship further. Infidelity forces you to confront whether your partner still values you and the marriage. This breach is a leading factor in the breakdown of marriages. According to the Bureau of Social Research, 85% of people get divorced due to a lack of commitment.

Financial Stress

Money problems frequently contribute to divorces. Debt, bad investments, job loss, or shrinking incomes can create ongoing tension and power struggles. Financial stress can breed resentment and make couples feel incapable of getting ahead together. Different spending habits and arguing over finances chip away at marital stability. Without tools to get on the same page financially, money issues often become divorce issues.

Diverging Values

Over decades of marriage, priorities and values can change. What bonded you in your 20s may no longer hold you together in your 40s. Differing lifestyle needs, interests, worldviews, and goals for the future become irreconcilable. Wanting different things in life leads spouses to realize divorce is the only path forward. As you change, you simply grow apart.

If you decide to end your marriage, mediating a divorce can help make the process less adversarial. With a neutral third party facilitating agreements, you avoid an ugly court battle. Despite these reasons, divorce is painful. Mediating it with compassion is wise. Seeking counseling beforehand may also reveal opportunities to reconnect. But when divorce can’t be avoided, arm yourself with understanding and stay focused on your future well-being. If you’re going through a divorce and are considering mediating a divorce, reach out to Cyber-Construction Inc for expert help.