
The Non-Attorney Divorce Mediator: What Benefits Do They Bring To A Divorce? – Written by Brian James

I was asked to write this article from the perspective of a non-attorney Divorce Mediator. Divorce mediation, as with a traditional divorce, tries to achieve the same end result, a set of agreements that are equitable and can be lived with by both parties. Where they differ sometimes is that mediation is also about helping

Coping with Grief Reminders – Written by Jeannine Lee

You are probably well aware that your sad feelings don’t automatically end once your divorce completes. Many memories still linger. Many experiences need to be over written. It takes time to move through them. While you’re rewriting your experiences, reminders of what you’ve lost can pop up at the most inopportune times. They can be

Divorced Parent to Parent Transfers: How to Minimize Stress for Your Child – Written by Susan Boyan LMFT, Director of the Cooperative Parenting Institute

For children of divorce moving between homes is stressful enough without the transfers themselves being upsetting.  There are many ways in which parents can turn simple transfers into real nightmares.  If your transfers are unnecessarily stressful following these tips for minimizing your child’s parent-to-parent transfer:  General Tips Keep your child’s transfer as brief as possible

The Secret to Divorcing a Narcissist: ‘Stop Feeling, Start Thinking’ – Written by Lindsey Ellison, Divorce coach and founder of The Inspired Divorce

Divorcing a narcissist may be the toughest fight of your life. While your marriage to a narcissist may have seemed like hell, divorcing him/her can be painfully agonizing, making your marriage seem like a walk in the park. Following my recent blog, the #1 Secret to Engaging a Narcissist, I received hundreds of emails from