Estranged or Abandoned by a Parent: Are Children Scarred for Life? – Written by Deborah Moskovitch

I am working on a book currently entitled: “Children and Divorce: The Effects of Abandonment and Estrangement: Understanding the Consequences, The Importance of Healing, And a Chance to Reconnect.” While doing my research, I have spoken with many adult children who have shared their stories on how this loss has affected their lives. I’m often

Divorce- Playing Fair To Collect Your Share – Written by Stephanie Morrow and Jane Mogilevsky

Although it is difficult, divorce needs to be about preparing for the future, not reliving the past. If you and your spouse are on good terms, consider an uncontested divorce or a collaborative divorce. This can be a much less expensive option than ongoing battles through attorneys. Working together to calculate marital assets and joint

Common Divorce Mistakes… and How to Avoid Them – Written by Mary Stearns-Montgomery, Family Law Attorney

Divorce is, by nature, complicated. You’ve spent years building your marriage and entangling your life with the person you’re sitting across the table from. Untangling your assets (and your emotions) takes time too. A family law attorney spends years studying the intricacies of divorce, which explains why divorce is overwhelming to most people. There are

Mother Jailed for Alienating Daughters from Dad

In a highly unusual move, a judge ordered a mother jailed for interfering with husband’s visitation with his children. In Lauren R. v Ted R. Justice Robert Ross ordered to the mother to report to jail for repeatedly violating the terms of the court orders regarding the father’s parenting time. The mother’s imprisonment coincides with