Mark B. Baer, Esq. Discusses False Allegations of Domestic Violence in his Blog

Domestic violence and child abuse are terrible crimes, and those who commit such crimes should be severely punished. An allegation of domestic violence is made in approximately 25% of divorces.  Moreover, such allegations are more common in relationships involving children.  What is the relationship between domestic violence and the existence of children in the relationship?

Child Removed From Country Without Parent’s Consent May Be Ordered Returned

The United States Supreme Court ruled that an order prohibiting the removal of a child from a country without the non-custodial parent’s consent is enforceable under an international child abduction treaty, In Abbott v. Abbott, the father and the mother divorced in Chile. The Chilean court granted the mother custody of their son while allowing the

The Dilemma of Health Insurance after Divorce

When looking at this issue it is easy to be mislead into thinking that there are easy solutions to this problem. Current research gives some very pat answers to a question that is extremely complex. The key to understanding the insurance dilemma facing divorced spouses is to look at long term solutions and to understand the need for an advisor to negotiate the process.