Money and Divorce

Warning: Don’t Let Friends, Family or Non-Divorce Professionals Give You Divorce Advice – Written by Jeff Landers

Typically, all a woman has to do is simply mention the word “divorce,” and it’s as though she has flung open the floodgates. Friends, family, colleagues . . . Everyone wants to share their experiences, offer opinions and give advice. Women tell me they hear it all. There’s the neighbor who claims she hired the

Divorce- Playing Fair To Collect Your Share – Written by Stephanie Morrow and Jane Mogilevsky

Although it is difficult, divorce needs to be about preparing for the future, not reliving the past. If you and your spouse are on good terms, consider an uncontested divorce or a collaborative divorce. This can be a much less expensive option than ongoing battles through attorneys. Working together to calculate marital assets and joint

How to make sure divorce doesn’t disrupt a 529 plan – Written by Erin Peterson /

There’s no question that divorce often results in financial chaos, and as couples seek to untangle their financial lives from one another, a 529 plan often gets neglected. Though the funds inside a 529 plan can be significant, they may be overlooked because people assume the money belongs to the child, says Leslie Thompson, a

Dividing the Assets in Your Divorce: When Money and Emotions Overlap – DR. DEBORAH HECKER

Money is a core concern of any divorce experience.  Most people think of money in terms of dollars and cents and making the “right” financial choices.  However, money is a much more complex part of our lives and has the power to trigger potent subjective emotions in everyone.  Money symbolizes different things to different people

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – What does healthcare reform mean for Divorce?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. The complete details are not yet known as many of the provisions require sweeping overhauls to the way medical insurance has been sold and administered in the United States. As is common in bills of such a large magnitude

The Dilemma of Health Insurance after Divorce

When looking at this issue it is easy to be mislead into thinking that there are easy solutions to this problem. Current research gives some very pat answers to a question that is extremely complex. The key to understanding the insurance dilemma facing divorced spouses is to look at long term solutions and to understand the need for an advisor to negotiate the process.