
A Feel-Good Chicago Prenuptial Agreement

Many individuals approach a Chicago prenuptial agreement with a great deal of trepidation.  Prenuptial agreements often seem coercive in nature with the wealthier individual threatening to cancel the wedding if the lower-earning spouse does not agree to sign away important rights.  However, people who love each other can create a Chicago prenuptial agreement that makes

Can extra-marital affairs affect divorce proceedings? – Written by Keith Schulefand, The Law Office of Keith B. Schulefand

Given the no-fault nature of most divorces, the issue of blame related to who caused the end of the marriage does not matter from a legal standpoint. However, during divorce proceedings, if one spouse has been unfaithful during the marriage, this information can affect the settlement outcome under certain conditions. Extra-marital relationships are potentially relevant,

Falling In Love For the Holidays Calls For Prenuptial Agreement and Counseling – Orange County, CA (Law Firm Newswire) December 29, 2011

Some divorced individuals become depressed at the holidays and start to look for love, sometimes in the wrong places. Ed Housewright, an author and twice divorced dad says the holidays as a single person, even with kids in tow, are far better single than dealing with stress. His stress used to include fights with the