What Does Divorcing Your Partner Mean for Your Family?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 530,000 couples reportedly lived together unmarried in the 1970s. This figure increased to 5.5 million, illustrating the startling rise in divorce rates in the latter half of the 20th century. In reality, family life has changed significantly in the last few decades. It can be extremely challenging to

The Financial Side of Divorce

Divorce can impact a family in many ways, which makes some people hesitate to do it. However, divorce can bring some economic advantages, and families should understand them before entering a divorce. Any divorce lawyer will tell you that it’s an expensive process. According to Forbes, separating in the United States costs around $15,000 to

The Top 4 Warning Signs of Divorce

Finding signs your marriage will probably end is never fun. If you notice signs that a marriage is over, seeking a divorce may fix the problem. However, working to stop divorce is only an option if both parties are willing. In some cases, the damage is irreparable, and couples choose separation as it’s in their

4 Ways to Help Your Children Through Your Divorce

One great concern parents have when working with a divorce attorney is how the breakup will affect their children. Divorce has psychological effects on children and can sometimes put them in a dilemma of choosing which parent to stay with. According to the Divorce Center, about 75% of children whose parents have divorced choose to

Why You Should Communicate Through Your Divorce Attorney

It is paramount to have the divorce attorney handle all communication with your spouse during divorce proceedings. A divorce attorney can also advise couples on how to deal with disagreeing issues, such as child custody and child support. According to Deseret News, couples with children are 40% less likely to divorce than couples without children.

FAQs Divorce Lawyers Hear

A lot of marriages end in divorce nowadays. In fact, only about 50% of marriages have a chance of lasting. If you are at the end of your marriage, you may need to hire a divorce lawyer. There are lots of things you may need to know when you hire one. Here are some commonly

Should You Get a Divorce? What to Know

It is no secret that a divorce is not an easy choice for either partner. There are many events leading up to a divorce. Most likely, if you are thinking about a divorce, you have been for some time. There are many things to consider when you are contemplating taking this significant step. You are

How a Friend Can Help You Through Divorce

It’s important that you confide in your friends and feel comfortable telling them about your divorce. Divorce can sometimes take years to be finalized, and having a great support system during that time is vital. How can your friends help with divorce? Let’s look into the matter below. 1. If You Have Kids Divorce can

What Are The Grounds For Divorce In Illinois?

Divorce doesn’t have to define your life. Many people view divorce as a positive step, releasing them from unhappy marriages and allowing them to pursue their goals. Additionally, most people remarry three years after their divorce, indicating that their divorces don’t stop them from pursuing serious relationships afterward. For many people, the frustrating thing about

The Best Divorce Advice For 2022

Divorce is always challenging, but it doesn’t have to be a difficult transition in your life. Divorce can ultimately be a positive thing for you and, if applicable, your family. The real issues that people run into with divorce usually lie in how their divorces are handled. Much of this is because divorce is so