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How Rebound Relationships Affect Divorce

While most people choose to marry again three years after a divorce, many times new relationships form as old ones end. Having a new partner while you are divorcing someone else can help you feel more emotionally secure but could create havoc on legal issues in your divorce. Here’s how rebound relationships affect alimony when

What Is Divorce Mediation?

There is a divorce every 36 seconds. And it happens to all kinds of people, with only slight statistical variations for different life situations like age, education, and family status. In fact, the median age for first divorces is lower than ever: 30.5 for men and 29 for women. You may be dealing with a

Child Custody Mediation and Its Benefits

Children keep many marriages together. Couples with children separate and divorce at a rate 40% lower than that of married couples with no children. But marriages, globally, have about a 50% chance of enduring, according to research on the subject. What happens if a marriage ends and there are children involved is not as clear

3 Tips For Having Your Divorce Mediated

Marriages generally have a 50% chance of lasting, according to researchers. If you are planning a divorce but don’t want to hire a divorce attorney, you can get help through mediation to handle any complicated issues between you and your spouse. This can save you both time and money and help make the situation less

How to Get a Wisconsin Divorce

Getting a divorce can be tricky to navigate. Each state has its own rules and regulations about the divorce process. You need to learn as much as you can before you file so you can make the best decisions for you and your children. Here is some Wisconsin divorce help information you need to know

What Are The 6 Most Common Causes of Divorce?

Marriage is beautiful, and it should be a ‘till death do us part’ situation. But sadly, that is not always the case. In 2017, the divorce rate was reported as 2.9 per population of 1,000. It happens. A perfectly happy marriage can turn into a battlefield of who brings down whom first. Seeking counseling can

What Do Divorce Mediators Do?

Approximately every 36 seconds a divorce occurs. This fact is startling. No one plans for it to happen, but what do you do if you find yourself faced with this situation? Divorce mediation may be an option for you. What do divorce mediators do? These highly trained individuals can help you navigate the potentially treacherous