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Navigating the Divorce Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Divorce, even the ones that are somewhat amicable, can be emotional, especially with all the steps involved. Also, they can take a long time, and if the divorce is contested, according to, it can drag on for years. You might need some help navigating this process. We’re here to help with a guide. File

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce Proceedings

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 8.3 million divorces have been recorded since 2000. If you are filing for divorce, then it’s important to avoid certain mistakes while going through the proceedings. Let’s take a look at some divorce advice from a team of lawyers. Being Vindictive Towards Your Spouse No matter how you

The Role of the Divorce Mediation Service: What to Expect

Former spouses need to settle several important matters during a separation. Those matters may include but are not limited to custody, alimony, and division of assets. Unsurprisingly, those topics can be contentious for many soon-to-be divorcees, so they seek help from a divorce mediation service. Find out what mediation does and how it can help

Why Divorce Mediators Could Be the Best Option in 2023

As more people hope to dissolve their marriages in an amicable fashion, divorce mediators are becoming more popular to help streamline the process. According to, mediation is used by 93% of divorcing parents. The stakes are incredibly high when the process involves young children. When parents are able to put their differences aside, mediation

Divorce Advice: Protecting Your Relationship With Your Children

Not every marriage was made to last, and sometimes a dissolution is best for all involved parties. According to Divorce Statistics, almost half of marriages in the United States currently end in divorce. If you’re going through a divorce, then you might be wondering how to protect your relationship with your children. Let’s take a

Moving Forward After Your Divorce

Marriages are designed to be enjoyed, not endured. That’s why it’s acceptable to file for a divorce if you’re unhappy with your marriage. However, divorce is not always an easy subject to speak about. The future may look depressing and frightening regardless of who ended the marriage. That’s why it’s a good idea to take

The Different Types of Divorce: Understanding Your Legal Options

Not every marriage leads to a happily ever after. According to LinkedIn, the divorce rate for college graduates is lower compared to non-graduates. If your marriage is about to end in divorce, you should know your legal options. Let’s discuss the available divorce options in this article. Uncontested Divorce An uncontested divorce would be a