Divorce Mediation

What Are Post-Decree Divorce Agreements?

A divorce can be one of the most challenging events of your life. Many people think that once they have a decree in hand, their union is over and they never have to think about it again, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Post-decree divorce modifications and agreements are often necessary to get

The Role of the Divorce Mediation Service: What to Expect

Former spouses need to settle several important matters during a separation. Those matters may include but are not limited to custody, alimony, and division of assets. Unsurprisingly, those topics can be contentious for many soon-to-be divorcees, so they seek help from a divorce mediation service. Find out what mediation does and how it can help

Why Divorce Mediators Could Be the Best Option in 2023

As more people hope to dissolve their marriages in an amicable fashion, divorce mediators are becoming more popular to help streamline the process. According to Mediate.com, mediation is used by 93% of divorcing parents. The stakes are incredibly high when the process involves young children. When parents are able to put their differences aside, mediation

Moving Forward After Your Divorce

Marriages are designed to be enjoyed, not endured. That’s why it’s acceptable to file for a divorce if you’re unhappy with your marriage. However, divorce is not always an easy subject to speak about. The future may look depressing and frightening regardless of who ended the marriage. That’s why it’s a good idea to take

What to Know About Navigating Property Division After a Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is becoming very popular for divorcing couples to come to terms with divorce settlements. Divorce mediation attempts to resolve things like property distribution after divorce, including child custody matters, child support and alimony, and debt distribution. Property distribution is one of the most talked about things in mediation. Here’s what you can expect.

The Basics of Divorce Mediation

The divorce rate has remained relatively steady over the last decade with about 49% of marriages ending in divorce. Among couples with children, the divorce rate is about 40% lower than for couples that don’t have children, according to Family Counsel. After seeing this statisics, it’s important to know all about divorce mediation and how

Characteristics of a Good Divorce Mediator

Divorce mediation is often a requirement for couples going through this process. The divorce mediator’s role is to act as a “go-between” for the divorcing couple and ensure the conversation is productive. According to TIME, about 50% of marriages in the United States have a chance of not divorcing. Alternatively, 50% of marriages will end

What to Know About the Divorce Mediation Process

Families divorcing, especially couples with young children, find that the actions of a relationship breakup can be extremely difficult to tolerate. Mediaite reports that 93% of divorcing parents tried an alternative dispute resolution method. With more than half of first marriages ending in divorce and an even higher percentage of second marriages doing so, it

When Should You Seek Divorce Mediation?

Count to 36. During that time span, someone got divorced, according to LegalJobs. While it may seem like too many people are throwing away marriages in acrimonious court cases, there are times when they can take it into their own hands by having someone do divorce mediating. When Should You Do This? Divorce can be