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Tax Implications to Be Aware of Post-Divorce

With the current divorce rate at 41% for new couples, according to Legaljobs, it’s essential to get the best divorce advice possible. A central part of this advice is understanding the tax implications that come with a divorce. Post-divorce taxes can include both personal and business considerations. Here are a few tax implications to be

When Should You Seek Divorce Mediation?

Count to 36. During that time span, someone got divorced, according to LegalJobs. While it may seem like too many people are throwing away marriages in acrimonious court cases, there are times when they can take it into their own hands by having someone do divorce mediating. When Should You Do This? Divorce can be

Why It’s Important to Invest in a Divorce Mediator

A divorce is a life-changing event that will take much of your energy. It would be best to keep yourself as organized as possible while trying your best to navigate these trying times. A divorce mediator can help you to get through the struggles of negotiating divorce agreements and going over prenups. Having a neutral

Why Do So Many People Choose to Use Mediation Services?

More people use mediation services to settle their differences today than ever before. Mediation is often used by divorcing couples. In some cases, the court requires mediation. In other cases, couples choose these services to help them figure out their differences. Why is mediation such a popular option? Here are three reasons why mediation is

The 5 Ws of Mediating Your Divorce

When should you mediate your divorce? Couples should carefully consider mediation before splitting up. While mediation can be an effective way to resolve complex marital disputes, it should only be undertaken if both parties are willing to cooperate and agree to the outcome. According to Divorce Mag, the median age for a first divorce is

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Hire Divorce Assistance

Divorce can be difficult for everyone, and no one plans on getting a divorce when they get married. According to the Council for Families, American couples argue about 19 times a month on average. For some couples, arguing is just too much, and divorcing is a better option for everyone. Divorce assistance can help make

4 Divorce Mediation Questions to Ask Before You Start

Many states now require divorce mediation before a divorce case can be heard in court, as this process can help resolve several issues. There are some things to consider before you get started to fully understand the process. Here are four key divorce mediation questions to ask. How Does Divorce Mediation Work? You are likely

Divorce Advice an Attorney Can Provide

A divorce attorney can provide a wealth of advice. According to Allied Surveys, marriage has about a 50% chance of survival, meaning divorce attorneys remain necessary. What divorce advice can you get from an experienced attorney in this field? Here are five things to consider. Representation One of the things that a lawyer would advise

An Overview of Having Your Divorce Mediated

Did you know that if you attended college you’re 13% less likely to get divorced, according to Love to Know? Despite this, it’s no secret that the divorce rate in America is high. In fact, some reports say that nearly half of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce. This may be

What Does Divorcing Your Partner Mean for Your Family?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 530,000 couples reportedly lived together unmarried in the 1970s. This figure increased to 5.5 million, illustrating the startling rise in divorce rates in the latter half of the 20th century. In reality, family life has changed significantly in the last few decades. It can be extremely challenging to