Divorce Mediation

How to End a Marriage Harmoniously

Did you know every 36 seconds there is a divorce? It’s a challenging process because the two parties have to build a bridge to resolve their differences. In most cases, resolving the issues is impossible unless you use divorce mediation. Before you complete the divorce process, you have to negotiate on settlements. For instance, you

Mediated Divorce: A Primer

Divorce, unfortunately, seems like it will always be common. It’s estimated that a divorce becomes final every 36 seconds. It can be one of the most difficult things a person can go through. Aside from the prevailing emotional distress, the upheaval and change, and the impact on one’s family and lifestyle, it is a long

Divorce Mediation FAQ: What You Need To Know About Mediating Your Divorce

Divorcing your spouse can be a complicated and emotional process, but it’s certainly not uncommon. More couples are divorcing today than ever and the percentage continues to climb. This means more people everywhere are having new questions about the processes involved in filing for divorce. Luckily, some of the most common questions about divorce and

What Is Divorce Mediation, And Can It Help You?

Divorcing your significant other, while often emotionally difficult, is surprisingly common nowadays. Roughly half of all marriages end in divorce; if you’re struggling with a separation currently, you’re in good company. The frequency of divorce in today’s society has increased the overall need for divorce mediation services. But what is divorce mediation, and who can

Divorce Law and Mediation: Terminology to Know

If you’re going through a divorce, you likely already know how confusing and emotional of a process it can be. Divorce advice and legal terminology can be especially hard to keep up with as you process your case and complete your separation.   To help demystify divorce and separation, use the following list of terminologies.