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What Are Prenuptial Agreements?

A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a prenup, is a legally binding contract created by two individuals before they marry. This agreement outlines how assets, debts, and financial matters will be handled in the event of a divorce or separation. Prenuptial agreements can cover a wide range of issues, including property division, spousal support,

How to Handle the Stress of a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be hard on any couple. However, you’re not alone, as over 50% of American marriages dissolve this way. It’s important to have positive coping mechanisms to avoid going into a dark place because of the end of your marriage. Here are ways to handle the stress of a divorce. Stay

Is Divorce Mediation Right for You?

Are you at the start of the divorce process and want to know if mediation is the right choice for your situation? Mediation can be an amicable and cost-effective option, but it’s important to familiarize yourself with the concept first. Here are some key divorce mediation questions you may have. Should You Try Mediation First?

How to Support Your Child After a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be incredibly difficult, not just for you, but also for your children. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to help your child adjust to this major life change in the healthiest way possible. Here are some tips on how to support your child and how to

Top Reasons for Divorce in America

If you’re facing the heartbreak of divorce, you’re not alone. Many marriages sadly end in divorce for a variety of reasons. As you go through mediating a divorce, it may help to understand the most common causes cited for splitting up. Loss of Connection One of the biggest relationship killers is losing that loving connection

Is Divorce Mediation Worth It?

When people get married, divorce tends to be the last thing on their minds. They’re starting a new life together and they want to be happy. Unfortunately, divorce does happen. According to Forbes, 75% of the people who got divorced in recent years cited a lack of commitment as the main reason. However, rather than

How to Ensure Civil Divorce Proceedings

Divorce is something that can be fraught with emotions. It’s the end of a marriage, and while there are some times when it’s mutually agreed on, one side can wind up being blindsided. This is why according to Forbes, only 6% of couples who divorce wind up remarrying each other. You can hope for the

5 Self-Care Tips During Divorce Proceedings

The process of mediating a divorce can be intense for everyone in your family. According to Forbes, 58% of divorced couples report more conflict than ever. That’s why you need to practice self-care. Here are five tips for caring for yourself during this emotional process. 1. Create a Safe Space A safe space can be

4 Shocking Child Support Statistics

Making an appointment with a divorce lawyer is a hard step to take. It’s especially hard when you have children. After all, someone will become a non-custodial parent and have to pay child support. Here are some shocking statistics related to child support cases. 1. 50 is the Magic Number Divorce is common in American