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Resolving Neighborhood Disputes in Kenosha WI Peacefully

Neighborhoods disputes in Kenosha Wisconsin strike communities of all shapes and sizes.  They may impact residents that live in apartment buildings, condominium complexes, or subdivisions.  Should these disputes remain unresolved, the entire community may suffer.  Rather than risk feeling unwelcome in one’s own neighborhood, many communities have enjoyed the benefits of mediation.  Using mediation to

Benefits of Mediating Employment Disputes in Chicago IL

In any business, employment disputes are bound to occur.  No company is immune from such disputes; they impact businesses of every size and in every industry.  If these disputes are not handled in a timely manner, they may have detrimental impacts on the company.  Workplace morale will suffer, the reputation of the business may be

What Issues Does a Family Mediator in Chicago IL Address?

Family disputes are among the most emotional, difficult disagreements individuals may experience.  These disputes may potentially destroy familial relationships if they are not addressed in a calm, rational manner.  Rather than risk such devastating consequences, many families hire a family mediator in Chicago Illinois to help them work through their disagreements.  A family mediator in

Mediating Landlord/Tenant Disputes in Chicago IL

Landlord/tenant disputes in Chicago Illinois are some of the most common disagreements individuals encounter.  These disagreements may include arguments about rent, housing conditions, security deposits, damage to a property, and other issues that may arise during a tenant’s rental period.  Many landlords and tenants choose mediation to resolve landlord/tenant disputes in Chicago Illinois, due to

Using a Divorce Mediator in Chicago IL to Maintain Privacy

The realization that one’s marriage has suffered irreparable damage is devastating.  After a couple has spent years building a life together, it is traumatic to see their life fall apart.  Many couples are understandably uncomfortable with the idea of going to court and discussing their marriage and their issues publicly.  Fortunately, a divorce mediator in

Using Mediation for Post-Decree Divorce Issues in Chicago

Most couples believe that, once their divorce is behind them, their days in the Chicago family court system are over.  Once a Chicago couple divorces, they receive a divorce decree that outlines the decisions that were made in their case.  For many couples, issues arise after the divorce that need to be resolved, particularly if

Hiring a Divorce Mediator: A Cheaper (Less Expensive) Alternative to Chicago Divorce Court

Resolving a case through the Chicago family court system is not only stressful, but also financially burdensome for the parties involved.  In especially contested divorce cases, it is not unusual for attorneys’ fees and court costs to exceed $10,000.  The parties in a divorce case may save thousands of dollars by using a Chicago divorce

What is Pre-Decree Divorce Mediation in Chicago?

In Chicago, once a couple has finalized their divorce, the details of the case are memorialized in a divorce decree.  The divorce decree lays out the division of property, custody and visitation issues, and any other factors that were disputed during the divorce proceeding.  When a Chicago couple uses pre-decree divorce mediation, the goal is

Using a Chicago Family Mediator to Resolve Disagreements

Every family will eventually experience a disagreement.  Family disagreements occur between siblings, parents and children, and between relatives who work together in a family business.  These disputes are often highly emotional, and, if left unchecked, may escalate and permanently destroy relationships.  Although many of these disagreements do not involve a formal lawsuit, Chicago family mediators