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When Is Mediation For Divorces Necessary?

In the United States, the cost of a divorce varies from $15,000 to about $42,500. When you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably already a bit overwhelmed with all the steps and costs involved. Divorce is tricky, and it’s reasonable to want to simplify the process as much as possible. However, one service you shouldn’t

4 Mediation Tips For Your Family

Family struggles are almost always difficult for all people involved. Parents can get frustrated with children, spouses can fight with one another, and even extended family can suffer the consequences. Luckily, family mediation exists to help you and your family find resolutions to your biggest problems. If you’re considering mediating an issue within your family

5 Key Signs That You Should Find A Divorce Attorney

Anyone who is going through a divorce wants the process to go as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, there are often complicated factors, feelings, and lives involved in a divorce. For these reasons and more, divorce mediation services don’t always work. By knowing the signs that it’s time to find an experienced divorce attorney, you will

What Can Family Mediation Help With?

Difficult family struggles can be hard to deal with, especially if you’re trying to tackle them on your own without outside help. As tempting as it can be to keep things within the family and handle them internally, sometimes a neutral third-party is needed to reach a satisfactory solution for everyone involved. If you’ve been

Silver Linings: The Positives Of Divorce

Divorcing your spouse can be an emotionally stressful time, especially if the divorce is a bit messy. Tensions can run high and it can feel like going through the divorce process isn’t worth it. However, not everything about divorce is negative, and the stressful parts of divorce won’t last forever. Here are some of the

How Common Is Divorce Today?

Despite the general perception of divorce being a rarity, divorcing your spouse is actually fairly common. While divorce can be emotionally challenging, more people go through this on a regular basis than many people realize. But just how common is divorce, and what impacts your odds of your marriage ending in divorce? Read on to

Signs You Should Seek Out Family Mediation

Looking for any sort of help in your day to day life can sometimes be challenging, but even more so when you’re in need of help with a personal or family matter. However, getting help can be incredibly important for both you and the other members of your family. Sometimes, an outside perspective can make

Divorce Mediation FAQ: What You Need To Know About Mediating Your Divorce

Divorcing your spouse can be a complicated and emotional process, but it’s certainly not uncommon. More couples are divorcing today than ever and the percentage continues to climb. This means more people everywhere are having new questions about the processes involved in filing for divorce. Luckily, some of the most common questions about divorce and