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Helpful Tips for Family Mediation in Chicago

Family mediation in Chicagoprovides an amicable alternative to a contentious court proceeding.  This method can successfully help resolve parenting responsibility issues and allows parents to create a parenting plan that is focused on the best interests of the child.  Some helpful ways to make the most of family mediation in Chicago. Have a Plan for

How to Help Your Child Cope With Your Divorce

A significant amount of research suggests marriages only have about a 50% chance of not ending in divorce. Considering that almost 50% of marriages end in divorce, it stands that many married couples who decide to divorce may already have children in the picture. Divorces can take a toll on a child, so it’s extremely

Do’s and Don’ts of Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement in Chicago

A prenuptial agreement in Chicago is a legal agreement negotiated before marriage that establishes property rights between two people after they get married.  This type of agreement can help avoid state default rules that might apply in the event of divorce.  They can protect separate property, redefine marital property and protect children from a previous

FAQ: Family Mediation Services

Going through a divorce can be tricky. Not only do you have to figure out what’s going to happen to you and your partner, you must consider your children. The median age for first divorces is age 30.5 for men and age 29 for women, which means there are likely a lot of young parents

Mediation for Pre-Decree Divorce in Chicago

Pre-decree divorce in Chicago addresses issues that must be resolved before a couple can officially terminate their relationship.  While post-decree divorce may be focused on isolated issues or enforcement of the divorce order, mediation for pre-decree divorce in Chicago focuses on the bigger picture.  It is often guided by the parties’ desire to maintain an

Resolving Neighborhood Disputes in Chicago Illinois through Mediation

Neighborhood disputes in Chicago Illinois can be uncomfortable because you may see the person with whom you are in conflict every day.  Home can stop feeling less like a sanctuary and more like a battleground.  Mediation can be an effective way to resolve neighborhood disputes in Chicago Illinois.  Before beginning this process, it is important